Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 7, 2011

As Fall Camp is officially underway lots to digest in the world of College Football...


1) Should Athletes be paid?
2) What major rules in College Football Recruiting need to change?
3) Closing thoughts

1) What has become a very hot button topic in the past few weeks continues to build up steam now. Ever since the Big 10 and SEC Commissioners came out in their annual media days and expressed the interest of looking into balancing the full cost of education for their student athletes...the idea is starting to build up with supporters...Am I against kids getting a little bit of spending cash to go get a pizza, attend a movie, or take out the spouses on the weekends...NO...but at what cost does the NCAA distance itself from the NFL or other professional entities? The real answer is that its always easier to say that we can pay our student athletes, but with Title IX, I find that to be very difficult to do...How would you pay the third string QB who hasn't seen the field in three years against the latter of the guy that has lead you to three conference titles...Those would argue that the prize QB starter should get more...this could ultimately create a rift in the locker room that Coaches would not be a big fan of. Notice how we only really have this discussion with College Football and not any other sports...

I don't see women's athletics voicing their displeasure to the NCAA about not getting money...I don't.

In reality the new NCAA President Mark Emmert has begun to voice that as long as he's the president. That doesn't bode well for the supporters of paying their college football players. In reality if you were to allow conference to distribute funds to allow universities to pay their student athletes you'll see the gap of the major conferences and the little guys continue to get bigger...I'm not a fan of that...nor would I would support that. I'm in favor of equality...student athletes need to be reminded why there are at get an education...whether or not you believe that will...

2) There is a very very major problem with agents, runners, 7 on 7 coaches, and other entities that are exploiting kids. Yes, kids. High schoolers aren't adults, they are someone's child...looking to find the school that will unlock the potential that they know they have. Its become such a huge problem that almost every major university is now finding themselves in the hot seat about their practices on how they recruit players. Ohio State, Alabama, Oregon, LSU, North Carolina, are just a handful of universities that we know about the wrong doings with agents and these student athletes receiving extra benefits in some way. I'm not saying that the NCAA will have any leverage to convince universities to stop this practice...but you can see that the NCAA is starting to crack down on this practice...

However there has to be major major change...The problem is only getting worse...
Presidents and Athletic Directors have to make a stand against this and work with the NCAA on cleaning up the recruiting practices and make these people think twice about putting athletes in situations that would compromise their eligibility...

Change is coming...

3) As you can see the system we have in place isn't anywhere close to being perfect but change is needed and coming...I support the need to clean up recruiting practices but still stand firm that the NCAA can't allow student athletes to be paid for playing college sports. Remember you go to school to get a college degree that will pay dividends to you throughout your entire life...only a handful of kids will reap the benefits of being a pro football player...but what happens to their lives when they are seriously injured and have to stop playing the game....the answer is simply...sure would be very nice to have the degree to fall back on that that remains the trump card that the NCAA always will have...

Change is imminent to continue to take the game to new heights...for now we can sit...debate...discuss...and remain hopeful that the administrators we have in place are looking out for the best in College Athletics and Student least I feel confident that Nebraska has those people in place...might not be the case at other institutions...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30th, 2011

HOly SH*T....its been awhile...for my adorning fan base I deeply apologize but due to the lack of Inet for the past year...made it a bit difficult to get blogging weekly...


1) Who Starts at QB?
2) How bad is cheating in College Football

1. We begin with what I feel is likely a very hot button topic this fall in Cornhusker Land. Taylor Martinez dazzled last season with his speed. He reminded us of the glory years of when Eric Crouch and Tommie Frazier used their blistering speed to reek havoc against opposing teams. For the past 10 plus years our fan base has sorely missed that. We bet it all on him last season, and when his ankle took a beating our hopes and dreams died on that bum ankle. He never was the same caliber player for the rest of the season after that. I feel that it was a dirty play by Missouri...couldn't put it past them...

He returns this season with increased hope and optimism. Husker fans simply just want a guy who can produce points and be a compliment to our defense. You can't argue that the offensive woes for the past 2 seasons have cost us a conference championship. He'll be pushed by redshirt freshman Brion Carnes. He simply didn't do anything special but dazzle in a glorified scrimmage in front of 60,000 people. I'm not totally sold that he'll be the answer this fall...

But either of these two guys must decide to become the player and leader this new offense needs to take Nebraska to the Rose Bowl in 2011.

2) CHEATING....You simply just can't get away from in today...the NCAA has discovered that there is a major major problem in College Football with runner's, agents, cash, and recruiting services that are plaguing the sport. I think they could turn the other cheek if it was smaller schools getting into trouble, but when you have high profile programs like Oregon, North Carolina, LSU, and Ohio State finding themselves with major violations of the rules...something has be done to fix it.

For years we have joked that the NCAA was really going to be serious and never drop the hammer...then we were proved wrong by how they handled USC with just one we all have our heads scratching about what will happen with Ohio State when the feeling in the air is that its truly not as bad as it seems...sound fair???

Why can't there just be some consistency in handling these seems that when we wanna drop the hammer...the NCAA doesn't wanna do that....for what reasons I'm still scratching my head why...

This is why teams continue to attempt to break the rules....b/c with no uniform punishment system...they just hope to cross their fingers and hope that they get a Ohio State fan that serves on the committee...

Something's gotta change...or it will only get worse...